County business discussed by commissioners

No public comments offered during public hearings at Sept. 17 commission meeting

Lisa Phelps
Posted 10/1/24

WHEATLAND – Commissioners approved an amended public health agreement for the Wyoming Children’s Trust Fund. The changes extend the end-date for the agreement from Sept. 30, 2025 to Sept. …

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County business discussed by commissioners

No public comments offered during public hearings at Sept. 17 commission meeting


WHEATLAND – Commissioners approved an amended public health agreement for the Wyoming Children’s Trust Fund. The changes extend the end-date for the agreement from Sept. 30, 2025 to Sept. 30, 2026, and reflect an additional $92,320 in grant funds to the program. The additional funds bring the total amount to $152,000 for Public Health to establish maternal and child health, and community prevention programs which will provide information and resources for the public to receive assistance to support themselves or their families in times of need.
The county treasurer’s report reflects sales tax revenue for the county was higher again this past month, and the county’s courthouse renovation account now has $166,831.20. County treasurer Kristi Reitz said a refund was issued to Croell Redi-Mix after the company included their production costs in their calculated estimate of taxes. Reitz explained some businesses pay an automated monthly payment of taxes based on their estimate of what their total taxes for the year will be, and Croell ended up over-estimating that amount and were issued a large refund.
Maintenance supervisor Jim DeWitt presented commissioners with a quote they requested for a set of bleachers similar to what the county transports from Douglas during the fair. The bleachers are easy to set up and transport and have a built-in hydraulic system. The quote is $46,500, though there are other models available.
The crew was gearing up for the high school rodeo held over the weekend, and discussed the plan for trash receptacles and disposal.
He also reported he’s been hearing many requests for handicap-accessible (ADA) doors on the Agriplex and included quotes for the commissioners to consider.
“I’d like to ask why they didn’t do this way back when, when I asked for it back then (during construction),” Commissioner Kayla Mantle said, though no one at the meeting could provide an answer to the rhetorical question.
DeWitt said he brought a quote to the table last year for ADA doors at the Agriplex, which was lower than this year’s quote, as he said the fair board said they might have funding to pay for it, “but nothing ever came of it.”
The current quote is higher, and while the ADA push-button system isn’t required, “I have people saying it’s hard to get in [the Agriplex] especially when the wind is blowing,” DeWitt said.

Commissioners requested the county clerk to look into whether or not the door locks can be included in the EPA grant package the county is planning to submit in November for consideration.
While security cameras are monitoring the Agriplex, there is still a need to monitor who has access codes to the keypad locks, DeWitt reported. There are plans in place to replace the door locks with a system to record when any specific code access number has punched in, then upload that information to the county’s server similar to the way things are set up at the courthouse.
A list of all vehicles in the county’s motor pool and their mileage was given to commissioners, and DeWitt explained the department keeps a spreadsheet on all vehicles, recording when they have routine maintenance, new tires, etc.
He also told commissioners about a used 2019 Chevy Suburban for sale that was clean and like-new with 67,000 miles on it, and with an asking price well below book value. He asked if commissioners were interested in it, since the county has two former sheriff’s vehicle currently in the motor pool with high mileage that are used for transporting 4H club members to events in towns such as Sheridan, or Rapid City, South Dakota. The vehicles are also used for winter travel for the 4H youth and leaders.
He also raised concerns about communication between the detention center employees and maintenance department. There have been several instances recently where maintenance is called to work on an issue way after, he assumes, it must have become apparent to detention center employees. Discussion of the matter concluded with a plan to fix the issue and work out the details of expected communication procedures for detention center employees with the maintenance department.
A problem is also being worked out with Town of Wheatland water department to figure out where the master water shutoff valve / meter is located at the fairgrounds.
A scheduled public hearing for Planning and Zoning had no one choosing to make comments. An amended plat was approved for David Fertig of Alley Estates to make lot configuration adjustments to a subdivision previously platted at 214 Grayrocks Road. The footprint of the subdivision remains the same, but individual lot lines will be slightly changed. There were no written objections to the request, and the planning and zoning board recommended its approval. The commissioners agreed to allow the re-plat.
Commissioners approved a special use permit for NextEra Energy Resources to place a temporary solar MET weather monitoring station for 16 – 24 months to collect data, with a 200-foot setback off Lone Tree Road east of Chugwater. The station will have a fence two meters tall and will have weekly maintenance performed. County planner Doug Dumont said there were no objections from the neighboring landowners or any other agencies.
Representing NextEra, McKenzie Cole answered questions of commissioners, stating the information gathered is not publicly available, but will be collected internally and merged into the company’s database of information to be considered for potential development of a solar energy center.
The Platte County Chamber of Commerce website states, “NextEra Energy Resources is a leading wholesale power generator, operating power plants and offering a diverse fuel mix to utilities, retail electricity providers, power cooperatives, municipal electric providers and large industrial companies.”
Dumont reported a special use permit application was submitted, and certified letters were sent out for comment to neighbors regarding the issue brought up by Don Canaday, who filed a complaint his neighbors on State Highway 26 were using their property as a commercial business without the proper zoning permits.
A complaint about Croell Redi-Mix being in violation of mining setbacks and rules has been sent to the county attorney, Dumont said.
A meeting for public input on creating the Glendo EMS district had no one offering any comments. If approved, the newly formed district will provide a mill levy on property taxes to fund Glendo emergency medical services in its district boundaries, which will be the same as the Glendo fire district 2. The commissioners will vote on the formation of the district and its board in its Thursday, Nov. 7.
The commissioners concluded their meeting after an executive session to discuss personnel. The Platte County Commissioners conduct their regular business meeting in public the first and third Tuesday of each month, beginning at 9 a.m. at the commissioners' room at the courthouse. The public is welcome to attend.