Wyoming’s Values and Future

Posted 6/19/24

WYOMING – Marc Torriani, a rancher and candidate in the highly competitive Wyoming Senate District 6 Republican primary race, has been endorsed by the Wyoming Right to Life Organization, …

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Wyoming’s Values and Future


WYOMING – Marc Torriani, a rancher and candidate in the highly competitive Wyoming Senate District 6 Republican primary race, has been endorsed by the Wyoming Right to Life Organization, reflecting his commitment to key issues that resonate with many Wyoming residents.
“I’m honored to be recognized and the only candidate in the Senate race for District 6 to receive the endorsement by Right to Life of Wyoming” said Torriani, “All life is precious and should be protected by law in the same manner as we all are.”
Beyond his pro-life stance, Marc Torriani, a conservative Republican, has differentiated himself from other candidates with his platform of “Let’s Keep Wyoming, Wyoming.” He questions the types of economic projects recently introduced to Wyoming, ranging from fields of industrial wind turbines and solar panels to the rapid expansion of data centers and the proposed relaxation of building codes to build smaller plot subdivisions. Torriani believes that those promoting such developments as “progress” are overlooking Wyoming’s dryness and water situation, the destruction these projects have on Wyoming’s landscapes, farms, and ranches, and the overall identity of Wyoming.
“Wyoming’s identity and way of life is rooted strongly in its ranches, farms, and open landscapes,” says Torriani. “Replacing those with projects that offer few, if any, economic benefits to Wyomingites makes little sense and threatens to change the very essence of what makes Wyoming so unique and great. At the heart of our campaign is a simple question – what kind of Wyoming do we want to leave our

Beyond being a Rancher, Torriani spent over 25 years building, managing and turning around telecom networks worldwide for customers that included the US government, contractors supporting US troops, allies and their citizens. “The combination of those experiences have developed my skills in dealing with all types of politicians, government bureaucracies and a deep understanding of finance, and what works and doesn’t work in terms of economic development.”
Torriani believes his diverse experiences and understanding of the broader political and economic landscape provide him with a unique perspective. “I have no desire to build a political career as many of my competitors do. Too much of the politics in Cheyenne has been centered on drama and is a distraction from the issues that Wyomingites expect legislators to focus upon – real property tax reform, keeping government spending and size in check, infrastructure, and ensuring that Wyoming doesn’t follow the path of states like Colorado. My experience allows me to see what Wyoming could become if current political agendas prevail, and I am committed to ensuring that our state’s future remains bright and true to its values,” Torriani emphasized.
Torriani’s campaign is centered on promoting initiatives that benefit the local economy and provides career paths that allow youth to stay in Wyoming. His vision includes attracting companies that provide meaningful, relevant jobs to Wyoming residents, promoting Wyoming’s agricultural, mining and energy industries, and ensuring that economic growth directly benefits Platte and southeast Laramie County communities.
“I believe in fostering local economic growth that keeps our workforce strong and our economy thriving,” Torriani stated. “We need to prioritize opportunities that serve our residents and preserve the unique character of Wyoming.”

For more information about Marc Torriani’s campaign and positions, visit marcforwyoming.com.
Platte and southeast Laramie County citizens can also meet Marc Torriani to learn more about his platform and discuss the future of Wyoming at multiple meet the candidate events that will be held in both counties in the coming weeks.
Contact Information: Marc Torriani Campaign Email: marcforwyoming@gmail.com Phone: (307) 509-0603 Website: marcforwyoming.com
Press Inquiries: Email: marcforwyoming@gmail.com Phone: (307) 509-0603