School board changes up school assignments Budget amendment, fuel bid, bus contract approved

Lisa Phelps
Posted 9/25/24

WHEATLAND – After a discussion of reorganizing the board’s adopt-a-board-member project at a workshop earlier in the month, Superintendent Weigel announced the new pairing of board …

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School board changes up school assignments Budget amendment, fuel bid, bus contract approved


WHEATLAND – After a discussion of reorganizing the board’s adopt-a-board-member project at a workshop earlier in the month, Superintendent Weigel announced the new pairing of board members with specific departments. The adopt-a-board member project is a mechanism the board has established to ensure every department in the district has a dedicated board member who takes extra time to be involved and learn about the operation and needs of that department or school.
Weigel explained at the workshop, board members can go to any department or school in the district they want, but the adopt-a-board-member project gives a reason to be even more involved in learning or helping with their adopted department.
The assignments are as follows: Libbey Elementary, Lu Lay; West Elementary / Glendo School, Diane Haroldson; Wheatland Middle School, Chase Irvine; Wheatland High School / Peak High School, Shawn Hoffman; maintenance / transportation, Connie Eller; technology / business, Amanda Fox; food service / special education, Dustin Kafka.
A budget amendment was approved by the school board to reflect changes in accounting system codes. Business manager Jamie Wilson emphasized the adjustment does not change the original budget’s dollar amounts, but aligns budgeted funds in their proper categories for capital construction, food service, major maintenance, and special revenue.
Wilson also shared budget changes resulting from the board’s June 17 authorization to establish a depreciation reserve fund.

In her report to the board, she wrote, “To recap, the district needed to do this due to the increase in revenue to the district and for the district to remain below the 30% cash carry-over threshold. Also, Prairie View entitlement payments were lower than previously anticipated. In addition, the Wyoming Department of Education provided guidance on how they wanted the PVC passthru to go through our Custodial Fund.”
The general fund was amended to reflect an increase of $1,656,204 in the general budget category in addition to an increase of $1,045,317 in the custodial fund.
Both amendments were passed 5-0 with board members Connie Eller and Chase Irvine absent from the meeting.
The board voted to accept a bid from Frenchman Valley Cooperative for fuel at a base price for diesel for $3.36 per gallon, but a specific contract of 40,000 gallons of treated Harness dyed fuel at $3.31 per gallon. The effective period is from October of 2024 through Sept. 2025.
Goals presented by Superintendent Weigel for the current school year were approved by the board. Those goals include clear and consistent focus on maximizing the learning and growth of all students, efficient and effective management, and communication and community engagement. Also approved by the board was for professional learning communities to be the main focus of improvement as an initiative in the district.
The board also approved Miles Whitney as a representative on the Platte County Parks and Recreation board; and in the first step of creating an indoor track program at Wheatland High School, the board approved the creation of a Level II high school head coaching extra duty contract for indoor track for $4,912.
A contract was approved to lease a 2009 International 65-passenger class D bus through June 2025 to Prairie View Community School was approved. The lease states the bus will be used exclusively for the purpose of transporting school children to and from its facility in Chugwater. PVCS will pay PCSD No. 1 per mile used and the district reserves the right to increase the rent if PVCs chooses the option to renew the contract next June. Bus maintenance will be completed by the district, with PVCS paying the cost of any and all repairs needed.
The public is invited to meet and greet school board candidates before the school board’s regular scheduled meeting in Glendo on October 21. The meet and greet will begin at 5 p.m., followed by a school board work session at 6 p.m. and a business meeting at 7 p.m.
With terms ending this cycle for board members Dustin Kafka, Diane Haroldson and Connie Eller, there will be three seats to be filled on the school board during the general election on Nov. 5. Registered candidates include Clay Becker, Diane Haroldson, Mike Haroldson, and Douglas Weaver.