Thank you Lord!

Judy Baugh
Posted 11/1/22

An encouraging word by Judy Baugh

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Thank you Lord!


So many people are going through tough times . . . I did say going through because when we are a child of God, we have Him holding our hand through it all! We live in a fallen world, but we are not of it! We need to rise up with a grateful heart for all His help and guidance.

Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, and into His courts with praise. Be thankful to Him, and bless His name. Psalm 100:4   

I see people being thankful for so many things other than the ONE who made it possible for them to have those things, and most of all, for them to have eternal LIFE! His name is JESUS! Look around at what we have been blessed with; then be grateful to Him for allowing us to have it. Yes, our country has its problems and growing concerns, but if we study most other countries, we will be very grateful for what we have here!

All things belong to the Lord and He has made us stewards over both the spiritual and natural of which He has given us. Let a man so consider us, as servants of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God.  Moreover it is required in stewards that one be found faithful. 1 Corinthians 4:1,2  

Put the Lord first with a grateful heart of thanksgiving before your new car, job, house, even the family! Yes, be grateful for what He has given you, but put Him first! Even if you are in desperate need, just keep thanking Him and praising Him with your hands lifted high and see what happens to your faith level. It will become so stable and high. Never quit. Just trust and believe in the goodness of your loving Heavenly Father! Thanksgiving means to extend a hand in adoration. If you have never lifted your hands in thanksgiving to God, try it. You need to do just that!

 Dr. Judy Baus is the author of four books on salvation, faith, and Holy Spirit: "From Rags to Riches" "Faith, Does It Really Move Mountains?" “On the Road Again with God” and “Path of the Spirit.” She and her husband Vic, who was born and raised in Wheatland, started Good News Ministries, Inc. in the early 1990's. Visit Judy’s Website