Speak up!

Judy Baugh
Posted 10/17/22

An encouraging word from Judy Baugh

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Speak up!


So many people are looking to this government to solve their problems. I am here to tell you, it won’t! Everywhere around us are a whole lot of very angry people. I say quit watching the news. I say get out and VOTE; then let it go. Christians and non-Christians alike have an awesome opportunity to be part of the selection process of all our governmental leaders. I hear Christians say what’s the use to vote? We are part of the United States of America and if every Christian would vote for candidates who have biblical morals, then it just might change things, but when we, as Christians, vote for those who are against biblical principles, we have become part of the problem.

We followers of Christ are in the world but are not of it! Yes, this is truth, but our Lord has given each one of His people an assignment and that is to speak up, be bold, and if we can be part of a change TOWARD God, we are to do that! Anger does not solve anything. It just stirs up more anger. We are not to react but to respond with gentleness and kindness which will help bring peace in a situation. We can be bold and speak up with a gentleness and calmness, choosing our words according to what the Holy Spirit wants us to say. When we say what He wants, the truth will make a difference.

A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger. Proverbs 15:1  

Dr. Judy Baus is the author of four books on salvation, faith, and Holy Spirit: "From Rags to Riches" "Faith, Does It Really Move Mountains?" “On the Road Again with God” and “Path of the Spirit.” She and her husband Vic, who was born and raised in Wheatland, started Good News Ministries, Inc. in the early 1990's. Visit Judy’s Website www.judybaus.org