Fencing requirements, budgets and commissioner scholarships discussed

Mark DeLap
Posted 6/27/23

One of the first visitors to the board was Penny Simonton, Nurse Manager, who presented her budget requests for Fiscal Year 2024.

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Fencing requirements, budgets and commissioner scholarships discussed


WHEATLAND – The Platte County Commissioners held their last meeting before the beginning of summer and they covered many items including fencing requirements in subdivisions, budgets and the awarding of commissioner scholarships.

One of the first visitors to the board was Penny Simonton, Nurse Manager, who presented her budget requests for Fiscal Year 2024.

As business moved to planning and development,  Chairman Steve Shockley called a public hearing to be held at 10 a.m. for the purpose of accepting public comment on a re-plat application. Doug Dumont, the Platte County Planner, presented a request made by George Bull to re-plat four parcels of land within the Lakeshore Tracts Subdivision described as Lots 130, 131, 132 and 134, which are located at 28 at 32 Elm Street, Glendo. The Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval of the request June 13, 2023. After no discusson,  the re-plat request made by Bull was approved.

Dumont then presented four building certificates requests made by Todd and Jeanette Nelson and one building certificate request made by Constance Wagner. The board approved all. 

“On the Planning & Zoning discussion, There were two issues at hand,” Malcolm Ervin said.

“The first was how to implement Senate File 137, which was passed during the 2023 legislative session. That bill required that subdividers put up a fence around the subdivision’s perimeter before a subdivision permit would be granted. We do not have enough staff, and do not desire, to inspect subdivisions for compliance with state statute. The Commissioners believed it was an unfunded state mandate that is not practical to implement.

“The second was how to ensure that private subdivision roads have road signs so that emergency responders can find those locations where an emergency situation has been reported. The Commissioners directed Planner Dumont that he should verify a road sign is present before issuing any new addresses.”

Dumont then presented final plats which were approved by the board. Final plats were: the Wittrock simple subdivision re-plat, Hemke simple subdivision, Twin Springs Ranch simple subdivision, Unwin simple subdivision, and Mausbach simple subdivision.

Concerning the subdivision fencing requirements, Dumont updated the Board on a requirement established by the Wyoming legislature in 2023 that subdivisions adjoining range land must be fenced. Dumont then presented a form to the Planning and Zoning Commission from June 13 that would inform subdividers of their statutory requirement to erect fencing. The Planning & Zoning Commission voted not to utilize the form. Commissioner Jolovich emphasized that the form would be used for the purpose of education and notification of potential subdividers and in no way should be a start toward enforcement and verification that a subdivider erected fencing or complied with subdivision regulations in any other manner. The Board agreed that Planner Dumont should require the submission of a fencing plan and should continue to administer simple subdivision approvals at his discretion pursuant to Planning and Zoning rules and regulations.

The next order of business brought Rose Martinez from Guernsey and Merlin Hitt from Wheatland who presented the Senior Citizen Service District proposed budget for Fiscal Year 2023 – 2024. The district is funded through a 2-mill levy authorized by voters of the County. 

At the June 20, 2023, County Commissioners meeting Rose Martinez reported on the Platte County Senior Citizens Service District Board budgets which are supported by the mill levy that passed on the 2022 ballot. The Mill Levy is drawn from county property taxes. The 2022-23 budget amendment and 2023-24 budget were passed by the Board at their June 16 meeting.

The District Board had to do a budget amendment for the 2022-23 budget. Because Services for Seniors vehicles were high mileage and often in need of repairs, the Senior Services District Board purchased two used handicapped accessible buses, two handicapped accessible transportation vans (one used, one new) and a new meal delivery van for Services for Seniors. 

Although $80,000 was designated for the Additional Draw category of the District Board budget, they needed to move $155,000 from savings into the Additional Draw category to balance the 22-23 budget. The vehicles are in use in Guernsey and Wheatland. Because the mill levy has been approved for four years, the district board said that they were confident that the Seniors Citizens Service District will be able to rebuild their savings so they can fund needs of the four centers and also having savings to operate the programs for a year, should the mill levy not pass in 2026.

“Inflation and supply chain issues are strongly impacting the budget,” Martinez said. “Although Services for Seniors has Federal, State and local funding, the Senior District mill levy funds nearly half the annual budget for the four centers in the county (Wheatland, Glendo, Chugwater and Guernsey). Services for Seniors provides Health, Nutrition and Transportation services. Their goal is to allow seniors to function in their own homes as long as possible.”

“It costs approximately $90,000 for a senior to be in the nursing home,” Hitt said. “The District Board budget provides support to hundreds of seniors in the county with what would cost to keep 4-5 people in a nursing home for a year.

Dealing with the Federal Mineral Royalty Capital Construction Grants, Ervin presented two grant applications to be submitted to the state loan and investment board (SLIB). Platte County Commissioner Kayla Mantle made a motion which was seconded by Platte County Commissioner Ian Jolovich, to approve Resolutions #2023-09 authorizing the submission of a SLIB Grant. The board authorized the submission of a SLIB Grant. 

Platte County Resolution 2023-09

WHEREAS, the Governing Body for the County of Platte desires to participate in the Federal Mineral Royalty Capital Construction Account Grant program to assist in financing this project, and;

WHEREAS, the Governing Body of the County of Platte recognizes the need for the project, and;

WHEREAS, the Federal Mineral Royalty Capital Construction Account Grant program requires that certain criteria be met, as described in the State Loan & Investment Board’s Rules and Regulations governing the program, and to the best of our knowledge this application meets those criteria, and;

WHEREAS, the Governing Body of the County of Platte plans to match the requested Federal Mineral Royalty Capital Construction Account Grant from the following sources: The County of Platte General Fund.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF PLATTE COUNTY, WYOMING, that the grant application in the amount of $41,725 be submitted to the State Loan & Investment Board for consideration at their Aug. 3, 2023 State Loan & Investment Board meeting to assist in funding the replacement of the failed detention center generator.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Malcolm Ervin, Platte County Clerk, is hereby designated as the authorized representative of the County of Platte to act on behalf of the Governing Body on all matters relating to this grant application. 

Platte County Resolution 2023-10

WHEREAS, the Governing Body for the County of Platte desires to participate in the Federal Mineral Royalty Capital Construction Account Grant program to assist in financing this project, and;

WHEREAS, the Governing Body of the County of Platte recognizes the need for the project, and;

WHEREAS, the Federal Mineral Royalty Capital Construction Account Grant program requires that certain criteria be met, as described in the State Loan & Investment Board’s Rules and Regulations governing the program, and to the best of our knowledge this application meets those criteria, and;

WHEREAS, the Governing Body of the County of Platte plans to match the requested Federal Mineral Royalty Capital Construction Account Grant from the following sources: The County of Platte General Fund.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF PLATTE COUNTY, WYOMING, that the grant application in the amount of $105,000 be submitted to the State Loan & Investment Board for consideration at their Aug. 3, 2023 State Loan & Investment Board meeting to assist in funding the replacement of the detention center electronic controls system.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Malcolm Ervin, Platte County Clerk, is hereby designated as the authorized representative of the County of Platte to act on behalf of the Governing Body on all matters relating to this grant application. 

The board then moved on to the commissioner scholarship in which the Wyoming County Commissioner Association awards four scholarships per county. Three go to students who have never received the scholarship and one to a student who was previously awarded. This year, no previous scholarship recipients submitted applications so that scholarship was not awarded. The three new scholarships granted were to Maxx Meyer, Chelsea Martinez and Hadley Paisley.  

On the budget amendment, Ervin presented a resolution to amend the 2022 – 2023 budget. It was approved by the board to amend resolution 2023-11. 

Amendment to the 2022-23 budet:

WHEREAS, Platte County has received unanticipated revenue, in the sum of $561,769.15, as reflected in the following revenue accounts: 513 Insurance Payments $311,769.15, 530 Detention Collections – Federal  $250,000.00

WHEREAS, the budget of the general fund may be increased by resolution pursuant to Wyoming State Statute No. 16-4-113; and,

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF PLATTE COUNTY, WYOMING, that account the following accounts shall be amended as follows: 

Line-Item No. Line-Item Name Amended Amount 

100.413.0500 Facilities Maintenance $311,769.15 

100.416.0220 Detention Board of Prisoners $250,000.00 

Kristi Rietz, County Treasurer then presented the fiscal position of the County as of May 31, 2023. Treasurer Rietz also presented a resolution, which would authorize her to invest in the Wyoming Cooperative Liquid Assets Securities System (CLASS). Resolution No. 2023-12 - Authorizing Participation in Wyoming CLASS was approved.

Platte County Resolution No. 2023-12

WHEREAS, Wyoming Statute No. 9-4-831 authorizes political subdivisions of the state of Wyoming as defined therein under W.S. No. 9-4-831(a) (“Political Subdivisions”) to invest in eligible securities as defined by W.S. No. 9-4-831 (“Legal Investments”); and,

WHEREAS, W.S. No. 9-4-831(a)(viii) authorizes Political Subdivisions to invest jointly with other investors in a commingled fund of Legal Investments; and, 

WHEREAS, the Wyoming Cooperative Liquid Assets Securities System “Wyoming CLASS” (the “Trust”) is a statutory trust formed under the laws of the state of Wyoming in accordance with W.S. No. 17-23-114 and it is the intent and purpose of the Trust to provide for the investment in only those Legal Investments for Political Subdivisions in accordance with W.S. No. 9-4-831; and,

WHEREAS, U.S. Bank National Association is custodian for the Trust (“Custodian”) and all eligible securities of the Trust are held through the custodian; and, 

WHEREAS, it is in the interest of the Participants to permit their respective cash balances to be invested in the Trust; and, 

WHEREAS, the County of Platte, a Political Subdivision, desires to become a Participant in the Trust. 


The County of Platte hereby approves, adopts and thereby joins as a Participant with other Political Subdivisions pursuant to the Wyoming CLASS Indenture of Trust dated May 29, 2020, as amended from time-to-time, the terms of which are incorporated herein by this reference and a copy of which shall be filed with the minutes of the meeting at which this Resolution was adopted; and,

The custodian, acting as a depository, is hereby designated as a depository for the funds of this Political Subdivision, which shall be invested in the Trust on behalf of its general fund and all other accounts, and the Key Contact is directed and authorized to execute any and all depository forms and resolutions of said custodian, and that said resolutions are adopted as reflected thereon. The application of U.S. Bank National Association to become a depository is hereby accepted.

The Key Contact and Authorized Signatories are those listed on the Trust Registration Form attached hereto and incorporated herein. The Authorized Signatories are authorized by the Participant to direct the invest of such Participants’ investment funds and to take all such actions deemed necessary or desirable to carry out the activities otherwise authorized by this Resolution, subject to the Authorized Signatories’ obligation to take such actions only in the name of and for the benefit of this Participant. 

The Key Contact and Authorized Signatories may be changed from time-to-time by written notice to Wyoming CLASS.

The meeting was then adjourned at 11:30 a.m.