Public Notice No. 10842


TAKE NOTICE that Charles Ray Hegglund, Jr., and Edwin Ray Hegglund have filed an Application for Decree in the matter of the estate of Grace C. Hegglund wherein they allege the said Grace C. Hegglund died on the 18th day of October, 1999, a resident of the Stale of Oregon and that at the time of death she was the owner of the following real property in Platte County, Wyoming:
Beginning at a point 990 ft. due south of the NK corner of Southeast quarter of Southeast quarter of Section number five (5) in Township number twenty- nine (29) North of Range sixty-eight (68) West of the sixth Principal Meridian, thence west one hundred sixty- five (165) feet, thence due south two hundred ninety- seven (297) feet, thence east one hundred sixty- five (165) feet, thence north to point of beginning, comprising one acre more or less.

The application alleges that Charles Ray Hegglund, Jr., and Edwin Ray Hegglund are all the heirs at law of the decedent who have the right to succeed to the title to the property.
There will be no administration of her estate and petitioners seek to have a decree entered establishing the right and title to the real property. If no objection to the Application has been filed within thirty (30) days of the first date of publication the said decree shall be presented to the Court, in the Courtroom, Platte County Courthouse, Wheatland, Wyoming, on January 11, 2021 at 8:00 a.m. or as soon thereafter as the matter can be heard.
Dated this 4th day of December, 2020.
Frank J. Jones Attorney for Petitioners

Public Notice No. 10842. To be published in the Platte County Record - Times December 9 and 16, 2020.