Public Notice No. 10744



The following petition and application have been received in the State Engineer’s Office. Upon conclusion of advertising, the petition and application will be considered by the Platte County Control Area Advisory Board.

Southard Land and Cattle, LLC: Board of Control Petition Docket No. I-U-2018-4-3 for change of type of supply, clarification of the record, and issuance of an amended Certificate of Appropriation for the Russell No. 1 Well, Permit No. U.W. 82848, with priority of July 14, 1989.  The Russell No. 1 Well is adjudicated for the irrigation of 112.6 acres in Sections 26 and 27 of T. 27 N. R. 68 W. at a rate of 400 gallons per minute.  This appropriation will be re-described as providing an additional supply to lands that have an original supply from water diverted from Cottonwood Creek.  There will be no additional lands irrigated under this proposal.

Southard Land and Cattle, LLC:  Enl. Russell No.1, T.F. No. U.W. 42-6-311.  The Russell No. 1 Well is located in the SE¼NE¼ of Section 27, T. 27 N. R. 68 W. and is adjudicated for the irrigation of 112.6 acres in Sections 26 and 27 of T. 27 N. R. 68 W. at a rate of 400 gallons per minute.  This proposal requests to use water from the Russell No. 1 well to irrigate an additional 50.5 acres in Section 27 at an additional 200 gallons per minute rate of flow.  The total volumetric quantity to be used on an annual basis would be 200 acre-feet.  These lands have an original supply from water diverted from Cottonwood Creek.     

Any objections to the granting of the above must be made in writing to the State Engineer, Attn: Ground Water Division, Herschler Building 2W, Cheyenne, WY 82002 within ten (10) days of the final publication of this notice.

Public Notice No. 10744. To be published in the Platte County Record - Times May13,  20 and 27, 2020.